Tata Group on 17 March 2015 laid the foundation stone for a new 150-million pound automotive innovation centre in Europe which will be the largest research facility of its kind.
Aim is to create the next generation of vehicles for the global market.
Indian Railways has announced to increase the platform ticket price from Rs.5 to Rs.10, effective from 1 April 2015.
Stock exchange BSE on 17 March 2015 has announced the launch of 'Saral' or simplified account opening form for individual investors in the securities market.
The government has proposed a one-time amnesty for all those who have stashed black money abroad. The Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets (Imposition of New Tax) Bill, 2015 cleared by the Cabinet also proposes stringent action against offenders, including rigorous imprisonment of up to 10 years.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party scored a resounding victory in the country’s election.
Microsoft Corp will introduce an automatic biometric sign-in option with its Windows 10 operating system due out later this year.
The feature, called Windows Hello, means users will be able to scan their face, iris or fingerprint to verify identity and access Windows phones, laptops and personal computers.
Windows Hello will only be available on new devices that are capable of running the new feature. Chip-maker Intel Corp said all machines incorporating its Real Sense F200 sensor will run Windows Hello.
France, Germany and Italy have followed the UK in joining the China-sponsored Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. With joining of these countries, the total number of the bank’s member states including India has gone up to 30.
Source: The Hindu, Indian Express, Economic Times